Privacy Policy
In today's world of online, cloud services and over the phone payments it’s vital that all personal details of any of clients, companies & government departments are kept secure. Gameplex Pty Ltd TA #SSPA has taken every step to ensure a unique secure cloud services.
#SSPA makes every effort to ensure that your details remain just that-your details.
We take security seriously at Gameplex Pty TA #SSPA and therefore have a unique three-tiered protection system in place which protects your privacy.
All private and confidential details are maintained on our system and all data entered on the individual card files can be tracked on a daily basis.
Unlike other businesses who allow unlimited access to your file by any staff member, we structure our process to allow only two main senior managers access to update or amend details on files. This ensures your privacy is restricted access only.
All our systems have multiple screening & detection software installed on a workstation by workstation basis as well as software on the main database. Back-ups are completed daily and all past records are secured in our fire-safe file rooms.
Our system generates all customers their own unique and individual code. These details are restricted to ‘view-only’ on #SSPA staff workstations while allowing senior management with access ‘all-areas’ capabilities.
We have taken above an beyond the requirement of any business in Australia to secure your personal details and will continue doing so because of the security infrastructure we have in place.
That is why #SSPA is the trusted name in the law enforcement & security industry.